Finding Hope When Life Hurts
by Dena Dyer & Tina Samples
ISBN: 978-0825442148
$10.06 (paperback)
About the book:
Imploding relationships, incapacitating losses, injurious personal mistakes, or spiritual failures—whatever the issue, the wounds are the same.
Whether it’s a lapse in judgment by Bathsheba or the moral failure of the women’s ministry leader in your local church; the spiritual insensitivity of Martha or the compulsive obsessions of your church’s care circle chairwoman; the terror of an abandoned single mother like Hagar or the struggling single mother in your prayer group—the time and circumstances are different, but the wounds are equally deep and spiritually devastating.
Dena Dyer and Tina Samples get it. They have their own stories of pain before healing—along with similar experiences of their families and friends. Offering more than pat affirmations or vicarious shoulders to cry on, Dena and Tina delve deep into the shared emotions and injuries that women of all ages have in common—and move readers toward the recovery and healing that only God can provide.
No matter what hurts you’ve experienced, Wounded Women of the Bible proves that God understands and that healing is not only His intention but His delight!
This is a book not to be missed!
My thoughts:
This book is a great tool or resource for women who are counseling other women that have hurts and struggles from their past that they need healing from. The book touches on the stories of Abigail (1 Sam 25), Dinah (Gen 34), Ruth (The Book of Ruth), Hagar (Gen 16), Jochebed (Ex 2), Mary & Martha (Luke 10, John 11), and even Jezebel (1 Kings 16) (have you ever considered her hurts?), Gomer (Hosea 1) and so many others from the Bible....
So many women are counseled to ignore their pain and that the past is the past and we need to let it go - but ya know, that is so very hard to do. When a woman has a pain that has been stored in her heart and mind and no one to turn to (don't say just give it to God - that does nothing to heal those hurts when most of these women just need someone to listen to them and hold their hand) sometimes it is comforting to know someone else has gone through the same pain. Someone else has survived it and lived to share their story.
Each of the women chosen as an example mirror issues that are still alive in the world today. Tina & Dena share the stories of these women and then highlight powerful passages in scripture that can point us to to healing. Their writing is comforting and the stories of their own lives (and their own healing) is encouraging and supportive to those that need that hand reaching out to them.
This book is ideal for small groups, women being counseled by other women and even for those that perhaps aren't ready to reach out to another women. It would make a wonderful gift for someone you think is ready to receive it or perhaps you can leave it somewhere it will catch that friends eye.
Note: there is a wonderful Bible Study Guide in the back of the book. It's perfect for small group and bible studies too! There is a section of journal questions as well as a Hope for Healing Box with a few tips from the authors
An Interview with Dena Dyer (very interesting)
Everything You Need to Know about the Book
The Authors:
Disclaimer: I was offered a copy of the book to read in exchange for my honest review on GivingNSharing. I was not required to have a positive review and no $$$ exchanged hands. Thanks for reading!
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