Research shows that Omega-3 fish oils support our bodies in many ways: brain development, memory, learning ability, our focus as well as a positive mood and feeling of well-being in both kids and adults. Another plus is that it promotes a healthy immune response and helps to repair our bodies.
The What’s Essential™ School Supplies Giveaway was created to provide a means of supporting families, children and our schools. Friends & family are invited to nominate a school via Nordic Naturals Facebook app. You can nominate any elementaray, middle or high school (Definition of school: Any public or private elementary school, middle school or high school which qualifies as a "school" under the laws of the state in which it operates.) your child attends between September 20 - October 31, 2013 and in November one school will be selected at random to receive a check for $3000 for school supplies. 500 nominated schools will receive a copy of Amazing Grades, 101 Best Ways to Improve Your Grades Faster by Pat Wyman. This book is a great resource for schools, teachers, students and parents. Read here to learn why!
There are so many reasons for you to include Nordic Natural's Omega 3's in your daily regimen and now there is another way for you support your child's school as well! (Read Why Omega 3's)
How the The What’s Essential™ School Supplies Giveaway works:
Entries will be accepted on the Nordic Naturals Facebook App. Entrants will be asked to provide the following information:
- Name, address and phone number of their favorite school (Note: School must be in the 50 states or Washington DC)
- School level (grade school, middle, or high school)
- Name of person submitting the entry
- Relationship to the school (faculty, parent, employee, friend, etc.)
- Contact information
Each person may enter their favorite school only once, but more than one person can nominate a school. In fact, families and faculty are encouraged to get the word out to their communities. The more nominations a school receives, the greater its chances of winning.
In addition, the first 500 schools to be nominated and verified will receive a copy of Amazing Grades, 101 Best Ways to Improve Your Grades Faster by Pat Wyman.
More information can be found at www.omega-research.com. Nordic Naturals is offering readers of GivingNSharing this special offer if you use the promo code: SSGIVEAWAY for 15% off of your entire order online. The promo code is good until 10/31/13.
About the book Amazing Grades: Amazing Grades! 101 Best Ways to Improve Your Grades Faster by Pat Wyman is a one-of-a-kind multimedia book that offers the latest strategies to achieve academic goals in three learning styles—visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. It includes videos, audio mp3 files of each chapter, and tactile/kinesthetic learning style methods. The book was a project of Pat Wyman and HowToLearn.com, which brought together 101 of the world’s best-selling authors and learning experts in 13 countries. All experts contributed to the book as a goodwill gesture (no authors take royalties).
The chapter “Smart Fats: How Omega-3s Enhance Your Brain For Better Grades” was written by Dr. Keri Marshall, MS, ND, who serves as Chief Medical Officer for Nordic Naturals.
Amazing Grades contains information for students, teachers and parents.
Disclaimer: I posted this as a part of the Nordic Naturals Blogger Program. I strongly believe in the use of Omega 3's to combat chronic illness and feel that it is also beneficial to adults and children. Please research and consider the use of Omega 3's before you decide to take them. Thank you.
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